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Places to Study

Places to Study

There are many places you can relax or study on or near campus.


Libraries are quiet and provide a perfect place to study. Take advantage of the libraries on campus.

WSU library W1
SolBridge Library 3rd floor

Access the WSU Library online at https://library.wsu.ac.kr/

Study Areas

If you are looking for a different quiet type of place to study, there are study rooms located in various building around campus.

Dorm Study Rooms (W3 & Student Union) | Endicott (W19) 2nd floor & roof | SolBridge study areas (4th floor) | Various Outdoor Places On-Campus

On-Campus Cafes

In Korea, cafes are a very popular place to go, hangout, and study. There are a few cafes on campus that serve as great places to go, study, and even have a small snack while you study. There are also many cafes near campus that provide alternative atmospheres within walking distance from campus.

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