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Dorms & Dining

Dorms & Dining

Woosong University offers two main residence facilities for international students. The International Dormitory is located on West Campus, and Sol-Geo is located on East Campus. Both dormitories are located close to nearby shops, restaurants, the subway, and various bus routes. International students from SolBridge International School of Business, Endicott College of International Studies, JW Kim College of Future Studies, and other Schools of Woosong share the two accommodations, thus providing further opportunities to meet students from other cultures and locations.


International Dormitory

The International Dormitory is located on West Campus and is for international undergraduate students. This dormitory is separated into men’s and women’s sections to accommodate all Woosong students. Being located on West Campus, students that reside here have close proximity to the majority of their classes, which are usually held on West Campus. In addition to the rooms, the international dormitory has WI-FI accessibility, a cafeteria, and a gym in the building. It is also located next to Woosong Field, which has a soccer field and several basketball courts. Each room accommodates two students with individual beds, desks, and clothing cabinets. The International Dormitory contains the Office of Student Housing, a cafeteria, laundry facilities, and several common areas. Bathrooms and showers are communal.

International Dormitory Rooms
International Dormitory Facilities

Sol-Geo Dormitory

Sol-Geo is the international residence located on East Campus primarily for international students admitted to the university. Students are generally matched with a roommate from a different country and are highly encouraged to live there for their first year of studies here. After their first year, students may apply for other residences or opt to live off-campus. In addition to the rooms, Sol-Geo offers a modern, clean, safe, and Wi-Fi-accessible facility that features a library, dance studio, common kitchen, two cafeterias, and various study halls and classrooms. Rooms accommodate two to four students with individual beds, desks, clothing cabinets and a shared in-room bathroom.

Sol-Geo Dormitory Rooms
Sol-Geo Dormitory Facilities

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