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All University Clubs & Org

All-University Clubs & Org

At Woosong there is a lot to do. Woosong has a variety of clubs to compliment students’ academic life. The clubs represent a wide range of interests and activities from sports to photography, negotiation, and dancing. At the beginning of every semester different clubs get to showcase who they are to the new and old students who are looking to join a new club. Interested students should contact the respective clubs in order to join.

Do you ENJOY drawing and doodling in your free time? Would you like to make a difference in somebody’s life? Join the 1000 Drawings Club! The 1000 Drawings Club meets every week to draw (small A5 sketches or doodles). The drawings are exhibited at the end of the year to raise money for charity (The Daejeon Foster Care Centre).

  • Join by emailing sunehorn@woosong.org
  • Deadline to join is the 3nd week of each semester.

The ANKH club is a basketball club open to internationals who have Korean speaking ability. This club focuses on the improvement of basketball skills while promoting friendship and participating in various competitions.

The CockVengers is a badminton club that aims to improve physical strength and health by building friendships through badminton, and to lead exchanges through various competitions so that you can enjoy a healthy university life.

The Chance club is a volleyball club that is open to all students. This club focuses on maintaining a good relationship between seniors and juniors through the rules of volleyball and actual games, while sharing the difficulties of school life with each other.

This club will teach the skills for storytelling in a presentation and arguing in a debate. We will work on pronunciation and other skills for oral communication in small and large groups. We will build vocabulary related to debate topics.

  • Join by emailing michaeldiehl@woosong.org
  • Deadline to join is the 3nd week of each semester.

The “Environmental Activists Ready To Help” is a club where students come together to discuss environmental issues that interest them.

  • Join by emailing dirkgootjes@woosong.org
  • Deadline to join is the 3rd week of each semester.

Come and read the most famous stories in English. Read at your own speed and at your own level.

  • Join by emailing petertjohnson@woosong.org

If you are interested in reading and discussing the plays of William Shakespeare, the most famous English playwright of all time, join the club, “For the Love of Shakespeare.” In this club, we will meet once a week for one hour a day to read via zoom or in-person and discuss famous Shakespearean plays. Film adaptations of the play will also be viewed after reading the original play and comparisons will be made. This is an excellent chance for you to improve your English reading, speaking, and cultural knowledge and find new friends who also share your love of famous plays by Shakespeare.

  • Join by emailing christinajung@woosong.org
  • Deadline to join is the 3nd week of each semester.

The 주인 club is a temperance club that looks to form a healthy sober culture.

The 코이노니아 Club is a Catholicism Club that looks to carry out activities for the purpose of maturity of faith and proclamation of the gospel by engaging in religious activities and volunteer work.

Korean Chingoo is a friendship program for Woosong Korean and international students to gain a global perspective and understanding through cross-cultural and language exchange.

  • Join by emailing koreanchingoo.wsu@gmail.com
  • Deadline to join is the 3rd week of each semester.

Life Coach is a unique program where students are paired with a university professor as a mentor. Throughout the semester, the mentor/mentee will meet up at least six times a semester to get guidance on anything from classes and your future to general hobbies and common interests.

  • Join by emailing randleereddy@woosong.org
  • Deadline to join is the 3rd week of each semester.

The P.O.S.E. club is a photography club that is open to student that have Korean speaking ability. This club provides an opportunity to discover a better self by observing more of the world through others photos.

The Pioneer club is a hip-hop club where students with a common interest in hip-hop gather to participate in performances through school events and music clubs in Daejeon, providing a meaningful college life.

Rotaract With Us is a local volunteer club that is open to students with Korean speaking ability. This club looks to form joint development of its members and the surrounding society by providing various activities and help to the surrounding society so that it can contribute to the surrounding society.

More information coming soon…

솔 카일룸스 is a baseball club open to all students who have Korean speaking ability. This club aims to improve baseball skills of those who are interested in baseball. This club also promotes friendships and interactions with people outside of their majors.

솔티 is a dance club that is open to students who have Korean speaking ability. This club looks to create a place where students can practice different dances and promote friendships among all students throughout campus.

Create a character, roll a ridiculous number of dice, and see what happens. The Tabletop Roleplaying Club is seeking members to both play and run roleplaying campaigns with the Storyteller system. Describe your actions, play through mythological stories, and de-stress by exploring strange new lands and taking everything that isn’t nailed down. And some things that are.

  • Join by emailing gregglandsman@woosong.org
  • Deadline to join is the 2nd week of each semester.

The Cybersecurity and IT Club helps students understand the importance of cybersecurity and how they can make themselves more secure against hacking online. Students can get new skills and experience the world of online security.

  • Join by emailing woosongcybersecclub@gmail.com
  • Deadline to join is the 2nd week of each semester.

Check out and join the Woosong Gaming and Esports Alliance (WGEA). Each week we will meet online to game together and talk about game-related topics. Open to anyone with an interest in online gaming, all gamers welcome. Meet fellow gamers. Make new friends. Crush the other team. Steam is a required app to join (it’s free). Discord and a headset are recommended, but not required. (CS:GO, Elden Ring, DOTA2, Hades, PUBG, Lost Ark)

  • Join by emailing danielcicone@woosong.org
  • Deadline to join is the 3nd week of each semester.

Do you love music? If so, then World Music Club is for you! This in a great opportunity to listen to and discuss your favorite music in a relaxed, laid-back setting, and learn about other music that you might find to be very interesting.

  • Join by emailing williampertz@woosong.org
  • Deadline to join is the 3nd week of each semester.

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