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Media and Communication Arts


Extra curricular activities are an important part to any university experience. Take advantage of one of our Media and Communication based clubs for some department focused extra-curricular activities or participate in one of Woosong's All-University clubs for a more broad experience.

In this club, students come together to create several ‘talk show’ style videos throughout the semester. They are able to share and learn video production techniques, audio recording, and editing from each other.

  • Eligibility: Media and Communication Arts Department
  • Signup:
  • Deadline: 3rd week of each semester

This is a club where a weekly DJ produces a radio program. The program covers topics like book and movie recommendations, various stories, and more. The topics covered are all decided by that week’s DJ.

  • Eligibility: Media and Communication Arts Department
  • Signup:
  • Deadline: 3rd week of each semester

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