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Master’s in International Business Management

Master’s in International Business Management

The Master of Science in International Business Management is designed for the leaders of tomorrow who want to excel in today’s marketplace. In this program you build on the skills and knowledge gained in your undergraduate studies preparing you for a broad range of fields and careers in both public and private sectors. Students develop a strong background in research fundamentals in order to complete a research thesis or comprehensive examination. Program graduates may qualify for managerial promotion opportunities within their existing job or may transition from a technical/engineering position to an advanced management position.


  • IntakeSpring & Fall
  • Duration2 years
  • Credits27
  • TypeFull-time
  • FormatOffline
  • LanguageEnglish

What makes our program unique?

Students gain an understanding of research theory and solidify their knowledge in management and practice through foundational subjects, including economics, strategy, marketing, organizational behavior, and management. Faculty provide insight into the latest management theories and best practices through case studies, group projects, lectures, and active learning experiences. Our program provides graduates with relevant skills that are in demand by employers and will set you up for success.


The Master’s program is divided into three parts: Core, Major Required, and Major Elective. The degree may be completed within two years and has an optional thesis component. Those electing the non-thesis option must complete 27 credits and a comprehensive exam to graduate. Students who elect the thesis option are required to complete 24 credits and a thesis course; see the credit breakdown below.

Thesis Non-thesis
Core 9 9
Major Required 6 6
Major Elective 3 6
General Elective* 6 6

* General Elective credits are any additional credits that can be earned in any category (Core, Major Required, or Major Elective)

Students are required to achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher to graduate.

2022 Curriculum

Core Courses
Study Area Course Credits
Core Business Management ▼
Course Description
The aim of this course is to clarify the system of management theory and to cultivate the ability to acquire knowledge of management field based on the system. The study of business administration starts from the management field based on Pragmatism, which emphasizes objective results, and studies how to rationalize the problem solved in the actual management field. This course focuses on the practical and technical issues of business management, which is based on the viewpoint of pragmatism.
The 4th industrial Revolution & Digital Transformation ▼
Course Description
The 4th Industrial Revolution & Digital Transformation is represented by Lot, AI, and Big Data, innovation in manufacturing, finance, medical care, education, culture, agriculture, and other industries, as well as the convergence of industrial structure and software design and application capabilities as a basic tool to enhance individual's quality of life through innovation in public services.
Research Methods in Social Science ▼
Course Description
This course is designed to set up a specific research field in the area of business administration that student will study for the thesis paper. The focus of this course is, also, to assist students in developing creativity and analyzing cost of business decision making. It cultivates the ability to combine the theoretical knowledge and practical application.
Major Required
Study Area Course Credits
Major Required Business Strategy ▼
Course Description
This course focuses on the business strategy process. It involves the evaluation of the global business environment, selection of strategic alternatives, formulation and implementation of the strategic plan, and analysis of firm performance. The course intends to develop students’ analytical skills, teamwork, as well as oral and written communication skills. Conceptual information is presented through readings, lectures, team presentations, and other class activities.
Business Analytics ▼
Course Description
Business Analytics is a graduate level course specially designed for the students of Global Management. The course is taught in English. The course introduces the students about the basics of business data processing and forecasting with performance measurements. Different forecasting data modeling methods- Moving Average, Weighted Moving Average, Naïve, Auto Regression, Exponent Smoothing, Holt-Winter will be discussed in this course. Microsoft excel and Tableau tools will be utilized to data manipulate and visualize the business data and forecasting.
Accounting & Decision Making ▼
Course Description
Students examine the form and content of financial statements and the methods used to account for assets, liabilities, capital, cash flows and other information reported in conformity with accounting principles. While pure financial accounting focuses on the external interpretation of corporate financial reporting, this course includes internal reporting for managerial decision-making. Management planning and control techniques, basic cost analysis, capital budgeting and activity-based management are encompassed in the course.
Management Information System ▼
Course Description
Management Information Systems is a formal discipline within business education that bridges the gap between computer science and well-known business disciplines such as finance, marketing, and management. The aim of the course is to enable students to assess the opportunities and problems that managers in a wide range of organizations face as they attempt to use these IT applications to add value to their businesses. It also aims to help students understand transformational changes within and across industries. These changes have strategic implications for many businesses.
Operations Management ▼
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the concepts, principles, problems, and practices of operations management. Emphasis is on managerial processes for effective operations in both goods-producing and service-rendering organization. Topics include operations strategy, process design, capacity planning, facilities location and design, forecasting, production scheduling, inventory control, quality assurance, and project management. The topics are integrated using a systems model of the operations of an organization.
International Management ▼
Course Description
This is a graduate course and its main objective is to prepare students to understand international business environment. This course uses a comprehensive approach to International Business. This course on International Business will help students to develop an understanding of recent trends and analysis of challenges in the global business. The objective of the international business course is to provide students an overview and insights into the concept of environmental scanning of companies. The course will entail the use of such pedagogical tools as: case incidents, research, journal readings interactive exercises, current thinking, literature review, project and relevant examinations.
Introduction to Economics ▼
Course Description
This course deals with economic theory, econometric methodology, mathematical economics and the latest economic theory which are the basis of understanding of business administration.
Human Resource Management ▼
Course Description
Human resource management is a part or sub-process of management that manages organizational human resources. Human resource management starts from planning and securing of human resources, explores all functions and activities for labor relations, from efficient utilization, maintenance, preservation, compensation and development of human resources. This course covers the management functions of all working managers working in various levels of management, and how to manage human resources as a management process that achieves organizational goals.
Marketing Strategy ▼
Course Description
The course studies the branding and promotion of products and services to the public, which is targeted through specific demographics. Marketing touches many areas of study, so students will be well-versed in advertising, communications, consumer behavior, public relations, and marketing strategy and research.
Financial Management ▼
Course Description
The main content of this course is to systematically study theories that guide corporate financial management behavior and to understand the overall financial situation and future directions. How to raise and operate funds in the management of modern enterprises is a very important part of the company's growth and survival. In this lecture, students first study the main contents discussed in corporate finance and study the basic logic and theoretical basis of major financial theory applied to corporate finance. Then, by examining the cases of realistic application of major financial theory, students will combine theory and practice and cultivate practical application ability. Practical and concrete learning and case analysis on corporate investment decisions, capital procurement decisions, and risk management will be systematized.
Major Elective Courses
Study Area Course Credits
Major Electives Special Topics in Applied Research (Capstone) ▼
Course Description
The course focuses on advanced principles and practices of applied research. Topics covered will include the ethics of research activities, how a topic might be investigated from multiple approaches and philosophical perspectives, and the key components of an applied research project and preparation of research for conference presentation.
Special Topics in Digital Economy (Case Study) ▼
Course Description
The objective of this course is to study the impact of the digital economy. Students will examine the features of the digital economy, in particular the characteristics of digital goods, strategies employed by organizations, and implications of digitization for economies. Theoretical and practical material in organization and management science, and discuss timely case studies will be discussed in class.
Seminar on Asian Economy ▼
Course Description
This course will cover the economic development and current structure of Asian economies, as well as the rise of regional economic interaction and institutions with a focus on East Asia and India. This course also surveys the development of the Asian economies. Both the success story of Asian Economies and the recent Crisis of the region will be covered. Further, characteristics of major individual economies of the region (mainly Japan, Korea, and China) will be discussed as well.
Special Topics in Advanced Technology ▼
Course Description
An introduction to the application of management principles to systems, people and organizations in technology-intensive industries. Students will learn managerial approaches to organizations; and discover contrasting demands of entrepreneurial and established technology firms. Emphasis will be placed on recognizing the intricate, multidisciplinary nature of the management of technology, including the impact of technology on strategy, operations, and decision-making and how emerging strategies/solutions/capabilities can be developed to create efficiencies and manage organizational resources.
Project Management ▼
Course Description
This course provides a comprehensive examination of the psychological, social, and cultural factors that underlie expectations, preferences, and judged effectiveness of leadership practices and styles in organizations and work groups in the major cultural regions of the world. The course will focus on the development of the students’ ability to think critically about the complexity of the direct, indirect, and interactive impact of these factors on leading within multinational organizations that operate worldwide.
Drucker Management Path ▼
Course Description
Effective management is what separates great projects from the rest. This course demystifies the “soft skills” students will need: how to innovate, hire, focus, communicate, and measure performance. Students will learn how to spot opportunities to innovate, as well as some of the basic “do’s and don’ts” for creating a truly entrepreneurial team, department or organization.
Methods for Casual Inference in Management Studies ▼
Course Description
This course offers a rigorous mathematical survey of causal inference. Inferences about causation are of great importance in science, medicine, policy, and business. This course provides an introduction to the statistical literature on causal inference that has emerged in the last 35-40 years and that has revolutionized the way in which statisticians and applied researchers in many disciplines use data to make inferences about causal relationships.
Statistics and Decision Making ▼
Course Description
In this course, students will learn the language of uncertainty and the statistical methods for making inferences and decisions on the basis of limited information and data. The course will build on concepts covered in the first part and move to prediction and inferential statistics. In particular, you will learn about hypothesis testing, testing for independent and paired samples, simple linear regression, and multiple linear regression enabling you to make informed predictions.
Thesis Research* ▼
Course Description
This course is an area of study or research necessitating a high level of self-directed learning. This learning requires students to read, conduct research, complete written examinations, reports, projects, research papers, portfolios, or similar assignments that are designed to measure competency in the stated educational objectives. The work will be related to an academic discipline done outside of the formal (directly supervised) classroom. This research may be experiential, directed reading, or independent research supervised by a faculty advisor and approved by the chairperson of the department under which the course is listed.

* Only applicable for thesis option candidates

General Electives

General Elective credits are any additional credits that can be earned in any category (Core, Major Required, or Major Elective)

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