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Master’s in Hospitality Management

Master’s in Hospitality Managemente

The Master of Science in Hospitality Management takes you on a unique trip through the different aspects of the hospitality industry providing an extensive globalized approach with the latest international developments. Designed for professionals looking to expand their opportunities or people looking to switch careers, our program gives graduates the ability to navigate the complexities of hospitality in an international setting. Gain the skills to manage people, businesses, and operations at international hotels with a Masters degree in Hospitality Management. Join now and take your skill set to the next level.


  • IntakeSpring & Fall
  • Duration2 years
  • Credits27
  • TypeFull-time
  • FormatOffline
  • LanguageEnglish

What makes our program unique?

Graduate with leading-edge knowledge of managerial, operational, and organizational best practices within the international hospitality industry. Our faculty come from diverse backgrounds in the Hospitality and Tourism Field to provide an all-round education in this field. Located in South Korea, considered the hub to Asia, this is a perfect place to hone your hospitality skills. Woosong University has worked hard to develop global industry relationships to help open doors for your future employment in local, regional, and internationally famous hospitality brands. Whether you have previous professional experience or little to no experience, we are confident that our program will put you ahead of others in terms of employability.


The Master’s program is divided into three parts: Core, Major Required, and Major Elective. The degree may be completed within two years and has an optional thesis component. Those electing the non-thesis option must complete 27 credits and a comprehensive exam to graduate. Students who elect the thesis option are required to complete 24 credits and a thesis course; see the credit breakdown below.

Thesis Non-thesis
Core 9 9
Major Required 6 6
Major Elective 3 3
General Elective* 6 9

* General Elective credits are any additional credits that can be earned in any category (Core, Major Required, or Major Elective)

Students are required to achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher to graduate.

2022 Curriculum

Core Courses
Study Area Course Credits
Core Marketing and Branding in Tourism and Hospitality Industry ▼
Course Description
This course involves the study of marketing principles and key issues which are relevant to hospitality industry organizations. It focuses on strategic marketing of hospitality industry services both in the international and domestic settings.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Digital Transformation ▼
Course Description
The 4th Industrial Revolution & Digital Transformation is represented by Lot, AI, and Big Data, innovation in manufacturing, finance, medical care, education, culture, agriculture, and other industries, as well as the convergence of industrial structure and software design and application capabilities as a basic tool to enhance individual's quality of life through innovation in public services.
Human Resource Management ▼
Course Description
The hospitality industry, being labor-intensive, necessitates hospitality organizations to manage their human resources with high level of efficacy in order to successfully achieve their goals and objectives. Hence, it is vital for hospitality personnel including human resource managers; those occupying supervisory positions as well as those in the lower level positions in the organizational structure understand the principles and key issues surrounding human resource management (HRM).
Management of Finance & Revenue in Hospitality Industry ▼
Course Description
This course encompasses firstly, an introduction to financial management concepts, principles and models applicable to hospitality industries. It will also cover the specific features of financing associated with hospitality management as well as other critical financial aspects involving hospitality industries. Secondly, this course also provides an understanding on the concepts and applicable tools of revenue management for the hospitality industry. The conceptual as well as the practical applications of the various techniques of revenue management in the hospitality will be covered in this subject. Also, a comprehensive understanding on the revenue management systems in terms of their usage and challenges in the hospitality industry will be provided in this course.
Major Required
Study Area Course Credits
Major Required Global Dynamics of Tourism & Sustainable Development ▼
Course Description
This course is updated yearly according to the current issues in tourism. It presents the New trends in the tourism industry, from which the climate change and the bidirectional impacts, sustainability, business environment in international level and tourism foreign investments. Furthermore, a part of the course will be on destination competitiveness, and the several scenarios of destination development.
Management of International Hotel Brands ▼
Course Description
This course is designed to enable students to develop a comprehensive and critical understanding of the strategic management concepts and processes in the hotel industry. This course will provide students with the opportunity to derive knowledge from unique cases and events from all areas of hotel businesses and integrate that knowledge to craft and implement the most appropriate strategic plan for specific hospitality and restaurant service contexts. Students will learn and analyze the changing internal dynamics in hotel businesses encompassing service innovations, critical decision-making, technological developments, manpower development and Risk Management.
Global Trends in Food Service Industry ▼
Course Description
Foodservice operations are continuing to improve and develop, together with advances in quality. The demand for food and beverages away from home has increased and, with a broader spectrum of the population eating out, customer needs are continuing to diversify. Food and restaurant styles are also adapting to meet the demands being made by increasingly knowledgeable and value-conscious customers. Menu and beverage list contents are continually being influenced by trends, fads and fashions, the relationship between health and eating, dietary requirements, cultural and religious influences, the advance of vegetarianism, and customer acceptance, or otherwise, of irradiation and genetically modified foods. The growing range of foodservice operations has necessitated developments in the approaches to food and beverage service. The traditional view of food and beverage service was as a delivery process, with the customer being considered a passive recipient of the service. More recently this view has changed significantly – and for the better. The customer is now seen as central to the process and as an active participant within it. Increasing competition has meant that both the quality of the service and the perceived value of the experience by customers are the main differentiators between operations that are seeking to attract similar customers. Primary outcomes for students will be to:
- Understand the complexity of the foodservice industry.
- Discuss the trends in the foodservice industry.
Business Strategy ▼
Course Description
This course focuses on the business strategy process. It involves the evaluation of the global business environment, selection of strategic alternatives, formulation and implementation of the strategic plan, and analysis of firm performance. The course intends to develop students’ analytical skills, teamwork, as well as oral and written communication skills. Conceptual information is presented through readings, lectures, team presentations, and other class activities.
Project Management ▼
Course Description
The purpose of the Project Management course is for the students to apply theoretical knowledge acquired during the research methodology course to a project involving actual data in a realistic setting. During the project, students engage in the entire process of collecting and processing theoretical and empirical data in order to solve a problem with specific aim and objectives. Students will work individually or in small teams of two on a problem statement. A list of possible projects and research themes will be posted early in the semester so students can align themselves with problems statements corresponding to their individual interests. The approval will be done by the Course Professor. This course prepares the students for project development and work in project form within the culture and the cultural heritage field. On completion of the course, the student should be able to formulate and present a practicable project idea, prepare a realistic economic plan, describe models and methods to lead, carry out, document, and evaluate projects, as well as describe an intended project in a complete project plan review and evaluate own and others' project plans critically. You will provide a final layout of 8000 to 10000 words comprising: Research aim and objectives; Literature review; Research methodology; Results and findings; Conclusion and recommendation; References.
Major Elective Courses
Study Area Course Credits
Major Electives Applied Research Methods ▼
Course Description
This course covers various research methodologies. It involves critical analysis of different approaches to inquiry and allows students to determine methodologies that are appropriate for their areas of research interests in the hospitality industry. Furthermore, it familiarizes students with research design and implementation, equipping them to develop research proposals.
Resort Development & Real Estate Management ▼
Course Description
This course encompasses vital aspects of developing and managing self-contained and integrated resorts or resort-destinations. Emphasis is given to the interrelationships of site development and facilities, business activities, organizational structures and systems, and industry practices. It also includes key issues and challenges concerning resort development.
Venues and Operations Management ▼
Course Description
The subject gives the opportunity to students to understand the significance of various events and convention facilities and their variety in terms of sizes, architecture, style, and equipment. Additionally, it will give them the opportunity to learn how to evaluate each different event and also plan and organize everything for a successful outcome based on the available venues. Finally, they will be able to identify the main elements needed to make an event operation successful for the client but also profitable for their company.
Hospitality Management Foundation ▼
Course Description
Meanings, characteristics, and evolutions of hospitality industry; scope of hospitality industry, levels of hospitality products, hospitality environments, and approaches for hospitality business management.
Introduction to Statistical Analysis ▼
Course Description
This course is designed to help Students to understand the important concepts of statistical analysis and statistical inference to enable them to better interpret the results of their research and contribute to the field of research and development effectively, meaningfully and productively with a forward-looking approach for further development. Implementation of the course offers flexibility with options for learning the content. Students will learn from reading e-text, videos, participation in forum discussions, preparation and submission of assignments/activities, and short quizzes.
Introduction to Qualitative Data Analysis ▼
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce students to qualitative research methods. The course will use a combination of didactic, interactive and applied techniques to teach knowledge and skills relevant to qualitative research. Through the course, students will be expected to conduct their own qualitative study. Students will work individually to collect data through in-depth interviews. Students work in small groups to analyze the data, and present the results of the analysis. Students will submit their interview guides and interview transcripts for evaluation. Students will also learn the basic steps of qualitative data analysis. Students will submit their codebooks, and an analytical product for evaluation. In addition, students will be evaluated on their final presentation, and on their in-class participation.
Thesis Research I* ▼
Course Description
This course aims at providing basic scientific knowledge to conduct tourism and hospitality research by giving exposure to various management research tools and their applications. It also focuses on the skill of writing a research thesis in the field. It also conducts systematic and scientific research in the area of Tourism and Hospitality management. Students will be able to understand the scientific research process and apply it in practice to solve industry problems and also develop theoretical framework and design questionnaire for survey. Finally, they can learn how to review past literature and understand the practical difficulties or limitations of scientific research.
Thesis Research II* ▼
Course Description
This course gives the students an opportunity to produce and defend a thesis under their advisor supervision in the field of Hospitality. This is a process-oriented writing course that integrates reading, research, writing, and oral presentations. Students will carry out a research project on a legal topic of your interest. Apart from the thesis, students must compile a portfolio with all the drafts, notes about the texts read, my feedback, research proposal, literature review, class activities, and any written work done for the project such as outlines, book reviews, etc. Students will also present the results of each stage of your work to me and the other students in the course. Other members of the University community may be invited to the presentations. The thesis is expected to conform to appropriate standards of scholarship. I will encourage you to send your thesis for publication. Additionally, you will engage in a series of class activities aimed at helping you develop your reading, research, writing, and presentation skills.

* Only applicable for thesis option candidates

General Electives

General Elective credits are any additional credits that can be earned in any category (Core, Major Required, or Major Elective)

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