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Reminder: Woosong University Counseling Center 첨부파일

Writer : Counselor | Date : 2023.11.06 | Hit : 907

If you are like most people, you will encounter a number of life-changing events while studying. Some of it might leave you confused, anxious, angry, or even sad. While most life situations often work themselves out, some linger and require assistance. The Student Counseling Services offers a variety of options to assist you and journey with you through difficult times.

The Center is committed to creating a safe, non-judgmental, and affirming environment based on the values of multicultural, multi-disciplinary, and inclusive practices. Therefore, our services are free and confidential. We want you to make the most of your university experience and to live life to its fullest while preparing you for your future.

The following services are provided:

1. Webpage: the school’s webpage will be updated with information on self-care as well as resources for advanced counseling and off-campus care that are available in Korea. You can book appointments with the counselor on the webpage.  To make a booking, access Woosong's homepage at https://english.wsu.ac.kr/main/index.jsp. Go to "Current Students" and click on "Counseling Center." Scroll down to "Schedule a confidential appointment."

2. Let’s Chat: a counseling service that provides access to free and confidential conversations with the counselor. You can talk about stress, feelings, problems, or any matters related to your well-being. Most Let’s Chat services are once-off sessions. In some cases, however, short and medium-term counseling will be provided if and when needed. Book an appointment on the link given below.

3. Friday Focus: these sessions are group sessions planned throughout the semester where students can discuss topics of well-being such as how to deal with culture shock, exam stress, depression, etc. We will update you about these sessions later in the semester.

Counseling Center Information

Student Counseling Center – W10 316-3

To make an appointment, click here or email us

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