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International Student Dormitory Application (Fall 2023) 첨부파일

Writer : IAC | Date : 2023.08.04 | Hit : 1,033

We are delighted to announce the opening of the application period for the International Dormitory. Students who want to live in the International Student Dormitory (W3) must apply through the infosystem - no other application method will be considered. Please note this is only for currently enrolled students, incoming Fall 2023 freshman will be guaranteed a place and do not need to apply. 

International Student Dormitory Application Procedure

Application Period: 2023.08.04 (Fri) 10:00 ~ 2023.08.21 (Mon) 17:00 KST (applications sent after the deadline will not be considered)

How to apply:
1. Go to https://wsinfo.wsu.ac.kr/

2. Undergraduate -> Residence -> 학생기숙사신청관리 (재학생) -> 입사신청 (우성대)
3. Then, click on “기숙사” under “Applicants to live in the dormitory” -> click on “Agreement to terms of application” and “Consent to collect personal information” and press “Application to move into dormitory” at the bottom.

Screenshots with instructions on the application process are attached below.

In rare circumstances (i.e., when there are too many applicants) the management office can look at the student’s past record in the dormitory, university or penalty points (if any) to determine a tiebreaker.

Note that if you are returning from your hometown and want to live in the dormitory or even if you are currently staying in the dormitory and want to continue living there in the Fall 2023, you must apply through the infosystem.

A final reminder, the deadline to submit your application is 21st August at 17:00.

If you have any questions, contact the International Student Support Team (W3 103).

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