2020 Spring SemesterNew/Exchange Student Course Registration Period Announcement
Course registration period : 2020. 3. 23(월) ~ 2020. 3. 27(금)
Target : Spring 2020, Freshmen,exchange, transfer
Course registration method : Online application (info.wsu.ac.kr). Please only use the Internet Explorer.
Precautions :
1. Eligible credit range for course registration : minimum of 9 to maximum 18 credits
2. Others :
a. Unable toadd, modify, or change after the course registration period (excluding timetable overlaps)
b. Check andregister for courses in relation to your graduation requirement.
c. Check forcourse title, course type, credits, evaluation method, lecture time, classroom,etc.
before course registration.
d. Credits cannot be given to courses that are not registered successfully
(Please checkthe info system and attendance app to see whether
or not your courses are successfully registered)
e. Make sure to check class syllabus and grade evaluation method
(Grade or P/F, etc.) during your course registration.
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