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President of Woosong University

President of Woosong University

Entering the Digital Era with Woosong University!

A University Focused on Students’ Futures!
A University that “Thinks” Differently!

Warm greetings from Woosong University! I would like to offer my sincerest gratitude to those visiting our university homepage.

Since its establishment in 1995, Woosong University has fostered innovative change and growth under the banner of “global competitiveness.” These efforts have transformed Woosong University into a bona fide “specialized university.” I believe these positive changes have not only contributed to the university’s rapid expansion over the past three decades, but also to higher education as a whole.

University education is yet again undergoing a tremendous transformation: demographic shifts have led to a sharp reduction in university students; the COVID-19 pandemic has forced universities to adopt a “hybrid” model of teaching; and the 4th Industrial Revolution has created its own share of challenges.

In response, Woosong University is tackling these challenges head-on, as we see this as another great opportunity for innovation; we hope and strongly desire to emerge from these trying times as a “21st Century Hidden Champion.” We are a university with a keen interest in our students’ futures. I would like to mention three points emphasizing Woosong’s approach to education.

First, our aim is to equip students with the tools demanded by the newly emerging industries of the 21st century through training that is hands-on and job-focused.

Second, we pay close attention to the entire “lifecycle” of students, from the moment they are admitted until employment. Through this comprehensive or holistic educational approach, students can be expected to acquire the necessary skills to adapt to the above-mentioned changes through our various programs and activities. Instead of narrowly focusing just on students’ graduation, we are also focusing on students’ post-graduation lives.

Third, in anticipation of the post-COVID era, we are building a global network of partner universities, forming a “digital hybrid campus.” I believe this is fitting for a 21st-century university education. Once established, students will have access to digital content from the world’s leading scholars and entrepreneurs.

I would like to welcome those of you who are interested in joining this exciting adventure, an adventure with great potential to improve your future.


Deog-Seong Oh, Ph.D
President, Woosong University

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