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Media and Communication Arts

General Info

Study in one of the Most Exciting Countries for Media and Communication Arts!

Are you ready for the fast-changing world of global media? Our program is designed to provide a thorough understanding of the skills needed to succeed in the dynamic field of transmedia with insight into Hallyu, the Korean Wave. You will be honing core industry skills such as storytelling, research methodology, and the ability to creatively articulate abstract concepts. You will learn about Hallyu and how to work within multi-channel networks for the transmedia entertainment industry. Learning the fundamentals and how to apply them will provide you with the skills necessary to negotiate the broadcast, film, and entertainment landscapes and be uniquely qualified in multi-platform media for our online, always-connected world.

The Department of Media and Communication Arts prepares students to use modern media communication techniques to serve the artistic, cultural, educational, and informational needs of contemporary society. The program is composed of critical theory and creative practice leading to media content production, circulation, and channel performance with various opportunities for business creation within the new era of digital technology convergence. Our program is uniquely focused on Hallyu, giving our students a greater understanding of what makes South Korea so successful as an emerging media empire.

Graduates of the program will be prepared for employment opportunities locally and globally in broadcasting, film, and other entertainment industries like cable and online media, video and audio production, and areas related to global media and cultural industries. Our graduates stand out worldwide as quality professionals in the “Korean Wave” and as industry experts, performers, and marketers.

Career Development Roadmap (CDR)

Begin with the end in mind. This means that you should always begin any project or journey with a clear direction and final destination. This is especially important as you start your post secondary education studies. At Woosong University, we want to make sure that you are on the right path for your career goals, and our CDR, Career Development Roadmap, helps you understand how what you are learning will fit into your end goal.

This career requires high levels of creativity and collaboration which are needed for broadcasting and video industry. To ensure graduates are ready for a job creating video content, our Media and Communication Arts program prepares you with these skills along with the ability to plan, shoot, and edit content with the following:
Significant Subjects: Photoshop & Illustrator, Applied Media Aesthetics, Visual Storytelling Advanced Project, Advanced Project Workshop, Digital Newsroom Practice, Global Culture Industry
Certificate: Digital Video Editing Certificate, Broadcasting and Communication Industry Engineer, Consular Industry Engineer:
With this training, you can look forward to gaining employment as a broadcast/film planner/director/producer, cinematographer, or producer and broadcast editor
Understanding MCN (Multi-Channel Networks); Media, Society, and Technology; MCN Planning & Modeling; Advanced MCN Project Workshop; Programming for Interactive Media; MCN Entrepreneurship
Minor: Entertainment Business Convergence Major Significant Subjects: Beverage Appreciation, Introduction to Baking & Pastry, Introduction to Wine & Spirits, Baking & Pastry Cafe Operation, Food & Wine Pairing, Contemporary Plated Desserts
Certificate: Multimedia Content Production Expert, Computer Graphics Operator, Digital Video Editing Certificate:
With this training, you can look forward to working as a digital creator or the founder of an online/offline media agency.
This career requires high levels of understanding about the Hallyu industry and digital technology. To ensure graduates are ready for employment as a Hallyu industry expert, our Media and Communication Arts program prepares you with these skills and the ability to produce Hallyu content and skills that can be utilized industry wide with the following courses:
Significant Subjects: K-Pop Content Production; Understanding Korean Wave; Social Media & Big Data Analysis; K-Pop Sound Design; Drama Production; Master Class
Certificate: Broadcasting and Communication Industry Engineer, Digital Video Editing Certificate, Computer Graphics Operator:
With this training, you can look forward to working as an entertainment producer, content planner, or global independent producer

Program Highlights

  • Currently one of the only departments in Korea that offers English taught programs in this field
  • Focus on training leaders for multi-channel network fields (transmedia)
  • Production knowledge of media contents in Korean and global media companies
  • Special lectures from top-level media professionals (directors, producers etc.)
  • Critical theory and creative practice leading to MCN content production, consumption, circulation, performance, and business


Our industry and university partnerships open up global opportunities for students and staff. University collaborations in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East enhance the student experience by providing dual degree and exchange programs opportunities. Our industry partnerships provide students with current internships and work experience that can lead to job placement after graduation.
All of our collaborations enhance the quality of our research, improves teaching and learning, and generates innovation.

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Binus University

Binus University

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KBS Broadcasting Culture Research Institute

KBS Broadcasting Culture Research Institute

Korea Radio Promotion Association

Korea Radio Promotion Association

Korea Press Foundation

Korea Press Foundation

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