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AI & Big Data Department Specialisation Registration Period (Fall 2022)

Writer : IAC | Date : 2022.11.28 | Hit : 1,895

**This annoucement is for students from AI & Big Data Department ending second year only**

All students in the AI & Big Data Department (formerly known as Technology Studies) are required to register for a Major Specialisation (전공배정 in Korean). A specialisation helps students to focus deeply on a specific subject area within their department. Students register towards the end of the second year of study. Please note, this is required for graduation and is different from - and in addition to - a Track/Track Minor.

There are the two options students can choose from: Creative Software Specialisation (창의SW전공) or Data Science Specialisation (데이터사이언스). To register, see more details below.

Application Procedure

Application Period: 2022.12.05 (Mon) ~ 2022.12.16 (Fri) 17:00 KST

Application Method: https://info.wsu.ac.kr (remember to use Microsoft Edge in Internet Explorer Mode).

If you are not sure which specialisation to choose, or have any questions, make an appointment to see your department chair or academic advisor. 

If you have any questions, contact the International Administrative Center (W19 218).

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