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WSU News & Events

TEDxWoosongUniversity "Uncharted Territory" 첨부파일

Writer : 관리자 | Date : 2021.05.21 | Hit : 6,827

On April 23, 2021, Woosong University hosted its third TEDx event, titled "Uncharted Territory."  TEDxWoosongUniversity is an independently organized event designed to provide a platform where thought leaders and thinkers in the Woosong community and beyond can make a difference and share their ideas. We all have unique and distinct perceptions of certain realities and issues in our local community and the world.  This year, we had six speakers who shared some amazing insight and two performers who showcased their amazing talent to our online audience.  

The speakers this year covered a variety of subjects; from personal stories & experiences to a unique and creative way for Africa to lead the global race of renewable energy.  If you were unable to join us at the event, you can catch all of the Talks and performances from our event online:

Eric McDaniel - A Story of a True Second Chance: An Adoptee's Life Journey
Fofana Algassimou - Renewable Energy: Africa Leading the Way
Hanane Lasmi - Beware of Social Influencers Puffery
Muborak Samieva - Seeing the World through the Prisms of a Lazy-eyed Realist
Rezia Usman - Love Alone isn’t Enough: 5 Lessons on Intercultural Dating
Valentin JANIAUT - Can We Be At Peace With Time?

ACE Dance Group (YeonJin Kim) - Korean Traditional Dance Performance
Nollaig C.V. Walsh - Violin Performance: Presto & Largo by J.S Bach

A special thanks to all organizers and volunteers that helped make this event happen!

If you are interested in keeping updated in any future events at Woosong, follow our TEDxWoosongUniversity page

 (Eric McDaniel)                                                                                      (Hanane Lasmi)

   (Valentin JANIAUT)                                                                                      (Rezia Usman)       

    (Fofana Algassimou)                                                                              (Muborak Samieva) 

(ACE Dance Group (YeonJin Kim)                                                                          (Nollaig C.V. Walsh)    

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